Heart Health: Energy Drinks

Heart Health: Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks Linked to Decreased Hearth Health Energy drinks are under scrutiny following research linking their consumption to decreased heart health. The beverages have soared in popularity in recent years among those looking for a quick boost. Energy drinks are...
Junk Food and Poor Memory

Junk Food and Poor Memory

Junk Food Diet in Teens Can Lead to Poor Memory Junk food consumption is on the rise. Many parents are aware of the negative effects of alcohol and drugs on their children’s brains and take the necessary steps to protect them from these dangerous substances. However,...
Joint Health: Foods & Supplements

Joint Health: Foods & Supplements

Joseph De Leo/Offset Images Joint Health is Important at Any Age Your joint health is imperative to living a full, happy and healthy life. Joint pain and discomfort can affect people at any age. It can be due to over exertion during sports and exercise, a medical...
Decrease Inflammation Through Your Diet

Decrease Inflammation Through Your Diet

Which Foods are Anti-Inflammatory? Is there such a thing as anti-inflammatory foods? Intervention studies to enhance healthy aging need appropriate outcome measures, such as blood-borne biomarkers, which are easily obtainable, cost-effective, and widely accepted.” We...