Health Campaign Blog

Good Energy
Rejecting the Status Quo: How ‘Good Energy’ Advocates for Bold Health Choices What does it take to be as healthy as possible nowadays? “Being bold enough to reject social norms and do things a little differently,” according to Dr. Casey Means. That is the message of...

6 Tips for Choosing Local Healthy Food Restaurants
While over one-third of restaurants offer Italian food on their menus. However, because pasta and pizza contain so many carbs, many people don't consider the food to be the most healthy. That is a misnomer, though, and it is possible to discover local...

Experience a Top Healthy Restaurant: Ron’s Original Bar and Grille
It probably won't come as a surprise to read that Italian food continues to rank as the nation's favorite ethnic cuisine, with 82% of people saying they like or love it. This popularity stems from its rich flavors, comforting dishes, and versatility. At Ron's Original...
The Pitfalls of Constant Snacking: Understanding the Migrating Motor Complex Analysis by Ashley Armstrong Story at-a-glance The Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) is a crucial digestive process that cleans the gut between meals, typically occurring every 1.5 to 3 hours...
Your Liver Health
The 3 Unhealthiest Foods That Burden Your Liver Opt for healthier menu items and processed foods by steering clear of the top three ingredients known to harm liver function. By Sheridan...
Food Additives
Widely Used and Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought More than 73 percent of food is ultra-processed. Some ingredients are ‘generally recognized as safe,’ but research has begun to show that they may not be. By Flora Zhao On her first...
Family Dinners
Sometimes It’s Not What You Eat, But How You Eat It By Amy...
The Truth About Microwaves
Studies Show Microwaves Drastically Reduce Nutrients Vegetables include sensitive compounds like amino acids, vitamins, and phytonutrients that are damaged more severely by microwaves than other forms of cooking. (Africa Studio/Shutterstock) Did you know that using...
Anti-inflammatory Foods
Which Foods are Anti-Inflammatory? Intervention studies to enhance healthy ageing need appropriate outcome measures, such as blood-borne biomarkers, which are easily obtainable, cost-effective, and widely accepted.” We need blood-borne biomarkers of mortality risk....
Your Diet & Inflammation
Inflammation: The Body’s ‘Fire’ Burns Threats, but Things Go Wrong When It Smolders Chronic inflammation’s causes may be the very things that bring us comfort or convenience. By Flora...